Last updated : 17/05/2024 22:56:22
Wyser E Amigos GCMBH are a Grassroots football team made up of 1 team members.
The team is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Wyser E Amigos GCMBH started using TeamStats in February 2019.
Team Details
Team Type
Wyser e Amigos GCMBH
Wyser e Amigos GCMBH is a grassroots football team based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The team was founded in February 2019 and currently has 1 team member.
Team Details
- Location: Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- Founded: February 2019
- Team members: 1
- Website:
Wyser e Amigos GCMBH was founded in February 2019 by a group of friends who wanted to play football together. The team has since competed in several local tournaments, but has not yet won any major trophies.
- Belo Horizonte Football Teams Directory
- Wyser E Amigos GCMBH | Team Details | TeamStats Directory
- Clube Atlético Mineiro - Wikipedia