Last updated : 07/05/2024 01:50:23
Man V Fat Preston FC are a Saturday football team made up of 34 team members.
The team is from Birmingham, England, United Kingdom and play in the .
Man V Fat Preston FC started using TeamStats in March 2023 and so far have created match reports and statistics for 1 games.
Team Details
Birmingham England United Kingdom
Team Type
Men , Adult , 11 a side , Saturday
Man v Fat Preston FC
Man v Fat Preston FC is a football team for men in Birmingham who are looking to lose weight and improve their health. The team is part of the MAN v FAT Football league, which has over 200 clubs across the UK.
The team meets every Monday at 20:30 at the Fox Hollies sports ground in Birmingham. The sessions are led by qualified coaches and include a warm-up, football drills, and a cool-down.

Players are weighed at the start of the season and then every 8 weeks. They score goals both on the pitch and off, with the chance to score bonus goals based on their weight loss progress. This means that weight loss has a very real impact on a team's performance.
The team is very supportive and encouraging, and players of all fitness levels are welcome. If you're looking for a fun and motivating way to lose weight, then Man v Fat Preston FC is a great option.
- MAN v FAT All Clubs
- Birmingham Fox Hollies - MANvFAT Football
- Birmingham Castle Vale - MANvFAT Football
Football League

Man v Fat Preston FC is currently playing in the North West Division of the MAN v FAT Football League. The team is currently in 3rd place in the league, and is looking to challenge for promotion to the Premier Division this season.
The MAN v FAT Football League is a great way for men to lose weight and improve their health while playing football. The league is very competitive, and there are opportunities to progress to higher levels of competition.

If you're looking for a fun and challenging way to lose weight, then the MAN v FAT Football League is a great option.