Last updated : 08/05/2024 00:05:25
HEJ Athletic FC U8 Green are a Grassroots football team.
The team is from England, United Kingdom and play in the The Milton Keynes & District Development League - Sponsored By Errea Teamwear Sweden U10.
Team Details
The Milton Keynes & District Development League - Sponsored By Errea Teamwear
Team Type
Men , 11 a side , Grassroots
HEJ Athletic FC U8 Green
HEJ Athletic FC U8 Green is a youth football team based in Milton Keynes, England. They play in the The Milton Keynes & District Development League England U8.
Team Stats
The team's latest details can be found on TeamStats. This includes their fixtures, results, league tables, and match reports.
Social Media
The Milton Keynes & District Development League

The Milton Keynes & District Development League is a football league for youth teams in Milton Keynes, England. It was founded in 1998 and currently has over 200 teams competing in it.
The league is divided into different age groups, from U7 to U18. Each age group has its own league table, and the top teams at the end of the season are promoted to the next level.

The league is a great way for young players to develop their skills and experience. It also provides a competitive environment for them to test themselves against other teams.