Last updated : 23/05/2024 21:55:21
CF Noventa E Dois are a Sunday League football team made up of 20 team members.
The team is from Singapore.
CF Noventa E Dois started using TeamStats in September 2015.
Team Details
Team Type
Men , Adult , 11 a side , Sunday League
CF Noventa e Dois
CF Noventa e Dois is a Sunday League football team made up of 20 team members. The team is from Singapore. CF Noventa e Dois started using TeamStats in September 2015.
The team's name means "Ninety-two" in Portuguese. The number 92 is significant to the team because it is the year that Singapore gained independence from Malaysia.
Team Details
- Location: Singapore
- Founded: 2015
- Number of team members: 20
- Team Stats profile:
- CF Noventa E Dois | Team Details | TeamStats Directory
- Abbreviations in football - formations, results and more
- Misc abbreviations