Last updated : 21/05/2024 05:37:24
Askollen FK G19 are a Saturday football team made up of 15 team members.
The team is from Drammen, Norway.
Askollen FK G19 started using TeamStats in January 2018.
Team Details
Team Type
Men , Under 19 , 11 a side , Saturday
Askollen FK G19 is a Saturday football team made up of 15 team members. The team is from Drammen, Norway. Askollen FK G19 started using TeamStats in January 2018.
Team Details
- Location: Drammen, Norway
- Team Type: Men, Under 19, 11 a side, Saturday
- Team Stats: TeamStats
Team Management
The team is managed by a coach and a team of volunteers. The coach is responsible for the team's training and matches. The volunteers help with the organization of the team, such as scheduling matches and arranging transportation.
Recent Results
- Askollen FK G19 won their last match against Skoger IL by a score of 2-1.
- They drew their previous match against Fjell Sportsklubb by a score of 0-0.
- They lost their first match of the season against Mjøndalen IF by a score of 3-1.
- Drammen Football Teams Directory
- Askollen FK G19 | Team Details | TeamStats Directory
- Drammen FK - Wikipedia