Last updated : Thursday, 27 June 2024
The Itleague is an amateur football league in the Netherlands. It was founded in 2023 and currently has 10 teams. The league plays its games on Sundays in the spring and fall.
The Itleague plays by the rules of American football. The games are 60 minutes long, divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. There is a running clock, except for during timeouts and injuries.
- The goal of the game is to score more points than the other team.
- Points are scored by either running or passing the ball into the end zone for a touchdown (6 points), kicking the ball through the uprights for a field goal (3 points), or kicking the ball through the uprights after a touchdown for an extra point (1 point).
- The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

The following teams are currently members of the Itleague:
- Amsterdam Itbears
- Eindhoven Itlions
- Rotterdam Itsharks
- The Hague Iteagles
- Utrecht Itwolves
- Zwolle Ittigers
- Groningen Itgrizzlies
- Leeuwarden Itvikings
- Apeldoorn Itrams
- Nijmegen Itdolphins
Itleague website
DutchNews article
Itleague Facebook page