Last updated : Saturday, 29 June 2024
Bucs South Eastern 4a
The Bucs South Eastern 4a is an amateur football league for men's teams in the South East of England. It is part of the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) league system.
The Bucs South Eastern 4a is divided into two divisions:
- Division 1
- Division 2

The following teams are competing in the Bucs South Eastern 4a in the 2022-23 season:
- Brighton Men's 3 (Eastbourne)
- Brunel Men's 2
- Bucks New Men's 1
- Canterbury CC Men's 2
- Chichester Men's 3
- Chichester Men's 4
- City Men's 1
- East London Men's 2
- Greenwich Men's 1
- Hertfordshire Men's 2
- Kent Men's 3
- Kingston Men's 1
- LSE Men's 2
- LSE Men's 3
- Middlesex Men's 1
- Portsmouth Men's 4
- Queen Mary Men's 2 (Barts)
- Roehampton Men's 1
- Royal Holloway Men's 1
- St Mary's Men's 3
- Sussex Men's 2
- UCFB Men's 5 (Wembley)
- UCL Men's 2 (RUMS)
Fixtures and Results
The fixtures and results for the Bucs South Eastern 4a can be found on the BUCS Playwaze website.