Last updated : Sunday, 30 June 2024
Balclutha Touch is an amateur football league based in Balclutha, New Zealand. It was founded in 1976 and currently has over 100 players. The league plays touch rugby, a non-contact version of rugby union.
The league is open to players of all ages and skill levels. There are teams for men, women, and mixed genders. The season runs from November to March.

Balclutha Touch is a great way to get fit, have fun, and meet new people. If you are interested in playing, please visit the league's website:
Balclutha Touch was founded in 1976 by a group of rugby players who wanted to play a non-contact version of the sport. The league started with just a few teams, but it has grown steadily over the years.

In 1996, Balclutha Touch hosted the New Zealand Touch Championships. The event was a success and helped to raise the profile of the league.
Today, Balclutha Touch is one of the largest and most successful touch rugby leagues in New Zealand. It is a great place to play touch rugby, make friends, and have fun.
League Structure
Balclutha Touch is divided into two divisions: the Premier Division and the Reserve Division. The Premier Division is the top division and is made up of the best teams in the league. The Reserve Division is the second division and is made up of teams that are not as strong as the teams in the Premier Division.
Each division has a regular season, followed by a finals series. The top teams in each division qualify for the finals series. The winner of the finals series is the champion of the division.
Contact Information

The contact information for Balclutha Touch is as follows:
- Email:
- Phone: +64 3 448 0222
- Website:
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