Last updated : Sunday, 30 June 2024
About Back of the Net Leagues
Back of the Net Leagues is an amateur football league based in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1972 and currently has over 1,000 teams playing in its leagues.
The leagues are open to all players, regardless of age, ability or experience. Games are played on Sundays, typically on local parks and pitches.

Back of the Net Leagues is a non-profit organization and all of its revenue is reinvested into the league. This helps to keep the cost of playing football affordable for everyone.
The league is committed to providing a fun and inclusive environment for all players. It has a zero-tolerance policy on discrimination and bullying.
How to join Back of the Net Leagues

To join Back of the Net Leagues, you can visit their website at You can also contact them by email at
When you join, you will need to provide some basic information about yourself, such as your name, age, contact details and playing ability. You will also need to choose a team to join.

The cost of joining Back of the Net Leagues varies depending on the level of competition you want to play in. However, it is generally very affordable.